First Name
Last Name
Agency or Organization (if applicable)
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Please select the choice that best describes you
I am a parent/guardian
I am a practitioner or provider in the community
I am a person with a disability
I am an employer or community member
Registration Option #1
A reminder will be sent for confirmation prior to the event.
I would like to register for ALL training sessions in the Virtual Series with one registration.
Registration Option #2
I would like to register for INDIVIDUAL training sessions and will do so by topic for specific months. This form will remain open so you can choose one or more now, or come back each month and register for additional sessions.
February 24 - Advocacy Across the Lifespan: Is it Important and How Do I Do It? (9-11 am)
March 12 - Special Education: Navigating IEPs or 504 plans (9-12 pm)
March 24 - Transition From High School and Beyond (9-11 am)
April 22 - Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy: What Should That Mean To Me? (9-11 am)
May 27 - Futures Planning, Supported Decision-Making, and Financial Concerns (9-11 am)
June 24 - Supporting Individuals with Significant Disabilities (9-11 am)
July 22 - Disability Awareness, People First Language, and Inclusion (9-11 am)
August 31 (rescheduled from 8/26) - Supported Decision Making & Alternatives to Guardianship (4-7 pm)
September 22 - Special Education, IEPs, 504 Plans, and Transition (4-7 pm)
October 27 - Disability Employment and Vocational Opportunities (4-6 pm)
November 17 - Assistive Technology for School and in the Workplace (4-6 pm)
Do you require materials be provided in an alternate format? If yes, please explain in the box below.
Age of child, youth, or adult with disability that you are representing (or self)
0-5 years
6-17 years
18-30 years
31-55 years
56 years or older
I would like to be made aware of other trainings provided through ASTRIVE Advocacy and/or Wood County Society
Thank you for registering for the one or more training sessions in the 2021 Virtual Series!
We look forward to spending time with you!
~Wood County Society and Astrive Advocacy