« An overview of State and Federal laws regarding special education
« Information on what are the responsibilities of the parent/guardian, school, county, and state in providing a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
« Specific information that explains the IEP and 504 process, including how eligibility is determined, when services should be sought, and communicating parent concerns
« Timelines and overview of when transition planning should begin for students and what that entails
« Information and tools to address the importance of and incorporating Self-Advocacy and Supported Decision-Making in the educational setting
« Information on the tools to use and steps to take when it is suspected that a student’s rights are being violated
« Sample resources that can be duplicated and used for planning and in meetings
« A comprehensive review of the documents and forms used in implementing special education services
« Open discussion/Q&A regarding specific components of YOUR student’s current IEP/Plan or situation….. so bring a copy of documents with you for review!
Special Education: How To Navigate IEP/504/Transition Plans and How To Advocate to Get What Your Student Needs
Three Sessions To Choose From Across The State!
(Berkeley, Wyoming, and Jackson Counties)
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Training materials will be provided including sample resources that can be duplicated and used for planning and in meetings. In addition, attendees will receive a copy of the comprehensive, 227-page Parent’s Advocacy Guide to Special Education 3.0, that was developed by the WV Developmental Disabilities Council and Disability Rights WV as well as other advocacy tools.
This training is made available at no charge. This project is made possible by funding from the WV Developmental Disabilities Council and supported in part by a grant from the U.S. Administration from Community Living (ACL),Department of Health and Human Services, Washington D.C. 20201.
Snacks will be provided. Lunch is on your own.
If you would like to download, print, and email the registration you can do so by clicking on one of these links.
Special Education Training 2022 - PDF Special Education Training 2022 - Word