Astrive Advocacy is committed to improving the lives of individuals with disabilities and their families by serving as a resource for training and support for individuals, families, employers, policy makers, and members of the community. We are dedicated to develop, grow, and support Individuals with Disabilities, Family Members, Provider Staff, and Community Advocates in their efforts to recognize their value, speak and be heard, and improve access to quality programs and services in all aspects of community life.


Upcoming Trainings


Click Here To Be Taken To the Training Registration or Click in the Orange Box in the right-hand corner of the website header

On-Going Initiative


Click Here To Be Taken To the Supported Decision-Making page with comprehensive plans, information, and downloadable documents

picture of woman and her dog sitting on a bed, with the woman using a laptop with headphones connected to it
little boy with short brown hair wearing a blue jacket and listening to music through headphones
picture of the backs of two people going down a road with one walking with a cane and the other using a red scooter
picture of a young boy with short black hair wearing a red shirt holding a pencil and doing work on a paper
picture of three young children, a small boy on the left, a small girl in the middle with her arms around him and the small girl with long brown hair, on the right.
picture of the faces of two men looking at each other.  an older man with grey hair on the left looking at the young man with down syndrome on the right



Congenital Heart Defect Month

According to the Washington Post, congenital heart defects (CHD) are the most common type of birth defect, affecting between 8 and 10 babies in 1,000 live births, It is believed that about 4 in 1,000 will have a condition serious enough to require active intervention, including surgery or catheterization.


WV Legislative Info & Updates

WV Legislature Website - click this link for Bill Tracking, Audio/Video Streams, Legislator Information, Schedules and Maps. Important dates, including opening day of the session can be found by clicking this link to the Legislative Calendar:


Federal Legislative Advocacy

Visit The Site Today! The National Disability Rights Network works in Washington, DC on behalf of the Protection and Advocacy Systems (P&As) and Client Assistance Programs (CAPs), the nation’s largest providers of legal advocacy services for people with disabilities. You will find links to important issues that impact people with disabilities.
